Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Headhunter + Rant

In the good old days if you wanted to get all the collectibles in a game you googled something like <name-of-game><[collectibles/secrets/whatever]> “map” and you got a map that solved most of your problems. Not any more. It’s just YouTube videos that don’t even list the collectibles in the order that is most convenient to pick them up. In one of them the guy says: “Here’s a map if you find that useful.” Like yeah, I do, it would save me a lot of time instead of having to decipher your very well produced but very hard to follow guide. Maybe I’m just old and grumpy but I have the distinct impression that some gamers these days prefer to grind for grinding’s sake instead of using common sense and having fun. Anyways, above is a map that I hope will help you find all 5 Intel items in the Operation Headhunter mission. Oh, and moving with the times and being hypocritical I also made a video for your viewing pleasure ;)

An other video on a related note:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - SPECOPS - Intel Locations - Operation Paladin